The roof is reed thatch with a straw ridge and was thatched by a second-generation master thatcher, Tom Walden who thatched two of the Welsh cottages in the museum in Cardiff and is based in Holme Lacy, Hereford. The Apse is on show and available to view at Leaf Creative in a shared venture with Deepdean Design to produce innovative and original products produced from local materials by local craftsmen.
To find out more about The Apse, commission a structure, or book a show round please call John on 07710 500213 or email
No other modern timber structure of its kind that we can find is comparable to the quality and build of The Apse. It is made from timber that has been grown, felled and processed/shaped/formed in the same woodland by local craftsmen on the edge of the Forest of Dean that has been in the same family ownership for over 50 years. It is based on the structures of collared arches found in church architecture.
The main structure is made from traditional mortise and tenon joints, held together with hardwood pegs – an extremely strong and stable construction that has been in use for thousands of years and which is complimentary and complementary to the elegance of the design.
It has the potential for a variety of uses. It could also be made larger by adding additional bays at the front, enclosed at the front, or the woven side panels could be replaced by wattle and daub infill or have windows added – i.e. it is versatile and can be customised.

Contact Us to discuss how we can make your timber build project come to life.
07710 500213

“We are exceptionally proud of The Apse here at Leaf Creative. A beautiful, hand crafted timber house built from local wood that is a star show piece here In Gloucestershire. It was a pleasure to work with Lucian & John from Deepdean Design, they are both incredibly professional and also very knowledgeable on all things wood built. Highly recommended to anyone wanting a timber structure!”
Peter Dowle
Gold Award Winner at Chelsea, Malvern & Hampton Court
Owner of Leaf Creative Garden Centre, Huntley, Gloucestershire